How do i use usenet for free
How do i use usenet for free

Before I tried to find some frineds from Internet, but the feeling is not very good, I prefer to talk to the friends face to face. I don’t use net to play games because of lack of interest. Nearly every day I am on line, because it is convenient to find the information I need at once. I used internet in my spare time, for me the advantege of internet are people can get imformation in the world, they can meet or talk with people in other country using YM, people can used internet to see different view and the disadvantege of the internet are there are to many pornografy picture that can make children want to do it.įor most of time, I just surf in the Internet, looking for some resources for free. We are searcing for the best offers and the suitable tecket pices.And we are having fun because we are sharing something in common.We are helping eachother and sharing thoughts. i also search for readinding comprehension passages general ones and technical ones.At the moment me and my husband are planning for our next year vacation, and our distenation is the USA. i search for new topics and new methods that can be adopted and used in my institude. I use the internet for my job as English teacher. I can be in tutch with people arround the world and even people next door.i use the internet for searching for new cooking recepes, latest world and local news, fasion, cenima and intertainment, games and shopping.I also use it for travelling and booking hotels ant flight tickets. it makes the whole world as one small village.

how do i use usenet for free

Hi every one.using the internet is very useful and interesting for me as a womam, a wife, a mother, and as ateacher. The main advantage of the internet is having a world of information at your house that you can always access. I mainly use the internet for information. How do you use the Internet? What do you do? How often? Why? Do you mainly use the Internet to play games, find friends, learn online, shop online…? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? Do you have any tips and suggestions you would like to give others?

How do i use usenet for free